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  • 2010年09月-2014年07月 河南大学,学士,专业:数学与应用数学

  • 2014年09月-2019年12月 华中科技大学,博士,专业:计算数学,导师:张诚坚

  • 2018年09月-2019年09月 Michigan State University,访问学者,专业:计算数学,导师:Mohsen Zayernouri

  • 2020年01月-2023年03月 中国工程物理研究院--北京计算科学研究中心,博士后,应用与计算数学部,导师:Martin Stynes

  • 2023年5月-至今 青岛理工大学,理学院,副教授


  1. 数值求解带弱奇异核的Volterra型积分-微分方程

  2. 有限差分法求解分数阶微分方程

  3. 有限元法求解分数阶微分方程

  4. 快速迭代方法

  5. 预估技巧


  • 2021.06-2023.03 带弱奇异核Volterra型方程的分层网格块边值方法,中国博士后科学基金第69批面上资助二等(2021M690322),主持。

  • 2022.01-2024.12 带弱奇异核的Volterra积分和积分-微分方程的块边值方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(12101037),主持。

  • 2022.01-2025.12 分数阶导数问题⍺-鲁棒性数值方法构造与分析,国家自然科学基金面上项目(12171025),第一参与人。


  1. Yongtao Zhou, Cui Li, Martin Stynes, A fast second-order predictor-corrector method for a nonlinear time-fractional Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers equation, Numerical Algorithms, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-023-01586-x.

  2. Yongtao Zhou, Martin Stynes, Block boundary value methods for solving linear neutral Volterra integro-differential equations with weakly singular kernels, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 401 (2022) 113747.

  3. Yongtao Zhou, Martin Stynes, Block boundary value methods for linear weakly singular Volterra integro-differential equations, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 61 (2021) 691-720.

  4. Yongtao Zhou, Martin Stynes, Optimal convergence rates in time-fractional discretisations: the L1, $\overline{L1}$ and Alikhanov schemes, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 12 (2022) 503-520.

  5. Yongtao Zhou, Chengjian Zhang, Huiru Wang, Boundary value methods for Caputo fractional differential equations, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 39 (2021) 108-129.

  6. Yongtao Zhou, Chengjian Zhang, Luigi Brugnano, An implicit difference scheme with the KPS preconditioner for two-dimensional time-space fractional convection-diffusion equations, Computers \& Mathematics with Applications, 80 (2020) 31-42.

  7. Yongtao Zhou, Chengjian Zhang, Luigi Brugnano, Preconditioned quasi-compact boundary value methods for space-fractional diffusion equations, Numerical Algorithms, 84 (2020) 633-649.

  8. Yongtao Zhou, Jorge L Suzuki, Chengjian Zhang, Mohsen Zayernouri, Implicit-explicit time integration of nonlinear fractional differential equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 156 (2020) 555-583.

  9. Yongtao Zhou, Chengjian Zhang, Convergence and stability of block boundary value methods applied to nonlinear fractional differential equations with Caputo derivatives, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 135 (2019) 367-380.

  10. Yongtao Zhou, Chengjian Zhang, One-leg methods for nonlinear stiff fractional differential equations with Caputo derivatives, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 348 (2019) 594-608.

  11. Diandian Huang, Xin Huang, Tingting Qin, Yongtao Zhou, A transformed L1 Legendre-Galerkin spectral method for time fractional Fokker-Planck equations, Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 18 (2023) 799-812.

  12. Xinxin Su, Yongtao Zhou, A fast high-order predictor-corrector method on graded meshes for solving fractional differential equations, Fractal and Fractional, 6 (2022) 516.

  13. Cui Li, Yongtao Zhou, Block generalized Stormer-Cowell methods applied to second order nonlinear delay differential equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 178 (2022) 296-303.

  14. Jorge L Suzuki, Yongtao Zhou, Marta D`Elia, Mohsen Zayernouri, A thermodynamically consistent fractional visco-elasto-plastic model with memory-dependent damage for anomalous materials, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 373 (2021) 113494.

  15. Chengjian Zhang, Yongtao Zhou, A preconditioned implicit difference scheme for semi-linear two-dimensional time-space fractional Fokker-Planck equations, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 28 (2021) e2357.

  16. Huiru Wang, Chengjian Zhang, Yongtao Zhou, A class of compact boundary value methods applied to semi-linear reaction-diffusion equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 325 (2018) 69-81.