吴迪,副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事能量桩技术的测试、理论与工程应用研究,曾参与多例能量桩现场测试、室内模型测试和数值试验工作,具有较为丰富的能量桩相关的测试和热-力耦合数值模拟经验。主持国家自然科学基金(面上、青年)、山东省青创团队计划、山东省自然科学基金(面上、青年)等纵向课题8项,主持青岛理工大学本科教改项目面上项目1项。发表或录用SCI/EI检索论文30篇,授权专利10件,获中国爆破行业协会科技进步一等奖等奖励2项;参编标准3部,其中核心参编《能量桩桥面除冰融雪系统技术规程》(T/CECS 1316-2023)。兼任中国岩石力学与工程学会能源地下结构与工程专委会委员、中国海洋大学学报(自然版)青年编委。
Wu D., Kong L., Kong G.Q., Fang J.C., Wang C.L., Wang Y.F., 2024. Thermo-mechanical behavior of an energy retaining pile for geothermal extraction. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 40: 100587. (SCI, 中科院二区)
Wu D., Chen R., Kong G.Q., Miao Y.S., Niu G., Huang W.G., 2024. A method for assessing non-uniformity of thermally induced stresses in the cross-section of energy piles. Journal of Building Engineering, 86: 108785. (SCI, 中科院二区TOP)
Kong G.Q., Wu D.*, Wei Y.Q., 2023. Experimental and numerical investigations on the energy and structural performance of a full-scale energy utility tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 139: 105208. (SCI, 中科院一区TOP)
Kong G.Q., Chang H.L., Wu D.*; Peng H.F., Shen Y., Abuel-Naga H., 2023. Effects of pile configuration on the group behavior of semi-floating energy piles. Journal of Building Engineering, 77: 107487. (SCI, 中科院二区TOP)
Wu D., Liu H.L., Kong G.Q., Abuel-Naga H., 2022. Effect of stress history of saturated clay on engineering behaviour of an energy pile. Environmental Geotechnics, 9(7): 490-499. (SCI)
Wu D., Liu H.L., Kong G.Q., Rotta Loria A.F., 2021. Thermo-mechanical behavior of a full-scale energy pile equipped with a spiral pipe configuration. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 58: 1757-1769. (SCI)
Miao Y.S., Li X., Kong L., Wu D.*, Chen X., Sun J.P., 2021. Study on the symmetric bilinear initiating technique of deep-hole boulder blasting in the TBM tunnel excavation. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 111: 103871. (SCI, 中科院一区TOP)
Wu D., Liu H.L., Kong G.Q., Jiang Q., Yang Q., Kong L., 2021. Performance of a full-scale energy pile for underground solar energy storage. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 27: 101313. (SCI, 中科院二区TOP)
Wu D., Liu H.L., Kong G.Q., Ng C.W.W., 2020. Interactions of an energy pile and several traditional piles in a row. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE 146(4): 06020002. (SCI, 中科院二区)
Wu D., Liu H.L., Kong G.Q., Li C., 2019. Thermo-mechanical behaviour of energy pile under different climate conditions. Acta Geotechnica, 14 (5): 1495-1508. (SCI, 中科院一区TOP)
吴迪, 魏鹏, 缪玉松, 牛庚, 孔亮, 孔纲强, 郭英. 一种传热增强型现浇变径能量桩及其施工方法. ZL 2022 1 0871937.0.
吴迪, 魏鹏, 牛庚, 缪玉松, 孔亮, 王逸飞. 一种传热增强型预制螺旋能量桩及其施工方法. ZL 2022 1 0871939.X.
吴迪, 刘汉龙, 孔纲强, 周航, 肖杨 一种袖阀管注浆排水土钉支档装置及其施工方法. ZL201610658534 .2.
刘汉龙, 吴迪, 孔纲强, 周航, 丁选明 一种电磁场渗流联合锚杆排水装置及其施工方法. ZL 201610659558 .X (授权)
缪玉松, 郭建, 董友雯, 吴迪, 张爽, 孙伟, 孟德朝. 一种双导爆索对称起爆炸药连续生产装置及方法. ZL202110056177.3.
江强, 吴迪, 朱希, 陆浩杰, 孔纲强, 等 一种地热能联合太阳能发电路灯装置. ZL201721885400.0.
江强, 吴迪, 朱希, 陆浩杰, 孔纲强, 等一种地热能发电路灯装置. ZL201721885399.1.
牛庚; 孔亮; 吴迪; 缪玉松; 孟凡震; 陈凡秀; 李凯; 湿度控制的粘土收缩变形测量装置及方法, 2022-5-31, 中国, ZL202210604393.1.
缪玉松, 郭建, 陈凡秀, 姚文莉, 吴迪, 牛庚, 孙博闻, 张颖, 张义平,王海亮. 一种用于放置对称式导爆索起爆药柱的炮棍装置及方法. ZL202210725209.9.
缪玉松, 林杰, 宋臣, 余力洲, 付雨鹏, 张颖, 吴迪. 一种耐高温减震防刺穿工作鞋及其制备方法. CN202010896398.7.
《Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews》
《Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》
《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology》
《Acta geotechnica》
《Energy and Buildigns》
《Engineering Structures》