1996年09月-2000年07月 大连海事大学 计算机应用技术 学士
2000年09月-2003年04月 大连海事大学 计算机应用技术 硕士
2014年09月-2020年12月 大连海事大学 信息与通信工程 博士
2003年04月-至今 青岛理工大学 教师
段建丽,林彬,王莹,何荣希. 海上无线宽带网络架构研究现状及相关技术展望.电讯技术,vol.58,no.8,2018:981-988.(中文核心期刊);
Jianli Duan, Lin Bin, Cai X. Lin, et al. Node Deployment of Marine Monitoring Networks: A Multiobjective Optimization Scheme, Sensors, 2020, 20(16):4480-4514;(SCI检索号:000567042300001)
Jianli Duan, Zhao Tiange, Lin Bin. Optimal Topology Design of High Altitude Platform Based Maritime Broadband Communication Networks. Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (oral presentation), Shanghai: Springer, 2017.(EI检索号:20175104558823)
Jianli Duan, Liu Yuxiang, Lin Bin, et al. Node Deployment of High Altitude Platform Based Ocean Monitoring Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (oral presentation), Tianjin: Springer, 2018.(EI检索号:20182605378420)
Jianli Duan, Liu Yuxiang, Lin Bin, et al. Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Optimized Nodes Deployment of the High Attitude Platform based Ocean Monitoring Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communications Signal Processing and Systems (oral presentation), Dalian: Springer, 2018.(EI检索号:20192807154647)
Han Mengqi, Duan Jianli, Sami Khairy, and Cai X.Lin. Enabling Sustainable Underwater IoT Networks With Energy Harvesting: A Decentralized Reinforcement Learning Approach, IEEE Internet of things Journal, 2020, 7(10):9953-9964.(SCI)