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Jin H, Ji R, Dong T, et al. Fabrication and characterization of WC particles reinforced Ni-Fe composite coating by jet electrodeposition[J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2021, 421: 127368. (中科院2区TOP)
Jin H, Ji R, Dong T, et al. Efficient fabrication and characterization of Ni-Fe-WC composite coatings with high corrosion resistance[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 16: 152-167. (中科院2区TOP)
Ji R, Jin H, Liu Y, et al. Efficient preparation of nanoparticles reinforced nickel-based composite coating with highly preferred (220) orientation[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2020, 33: 91. (中科院2区,中国机械工程T1期刊, 百种中国杰出学术期刊,共同一作)
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金辉, 纪仁杰, 杨泽林等. 电脉冲超声复合冲击处理镍基高温合金表面. 电加工与模具, 2019(5): 68-72. (中文核心,第十八届全国特种加工会议优秀论文,全国仅10篇)
金辉, 纪仁杰, 刘永红等. 喷射电沉积制备Ni-Fe-WC复合镀层性能研究. 第十九届全国特种加工会议论文集. 2021. (国内会议)
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Ji R, Yang Z, Jin H, et al. Surface nanocrystallization and enhanced surface mechanical properties of nickel-based superalloy by coupled electric pulse and ultrasonic treatment[J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2019, 375: 292-302. (中科院2区TOP)
Ji R, Wang H, Wang B, Jin H, et al. Removing loose oxide layer and producing dense α-phase layer simultaneously to improve corrosion resistance of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy by coupling electrical pulse and ultrasonic treatment[J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2020, 384: 125329. (中科院2区TOP)
Zheng C, Wu X, Zheng X, Jin H, et al. Mechanical properties and wear behavior of a dissolvable magnesium alloy used for multistage fracturing[J]. Wear, 2021, 466-467: 203559. (中科院1区TOP)
Ji R, Liu Y, To S, Jin H, et al. Efficient fabrication of gradient nanostructure layer on surface of commercial pure copper by coupling electric pulse and ultrasonics treatment[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 764: 51-61. (中科院2区TOP)
Ji R, Zheng Q, Liu Y, Jin H, et al. Effect of grain refinement on cutting force of difficult-to-cut metals in ultra-precision machining[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022, 35(3): 484-493. (中科院1区TOP)