2021年08月-至今 青岛理工大学 讲师
2019 优秀研究生助教 北京师范大学
2020 博士奖学金 北京师范大学
2013 美国数学建模国际二等奖 美国数学及其应用联合会
M. Chen, R. Yuan, Maximum principle for the optimal harvesting problem of a size-stage-structured population model,Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B.(In Press);
M. Chen, R. Yuan, Optimal harvesting problem of an age-structured prey-predator system with herd behavior. J. Optimiz. Theory App.(In Revision);
M. Chen,Y. Pei,X. Liang,C. Li, M. Zhu,Y. Lv,A hybrid optimization problem at characteristic times and its application in agroecological system. Adv. Difference Equ.,(2016) , No. 157, 13 pp
陈苗苗,裴永珍,梁西银,吕云飞, 害虫治理 SI 模型的最优脉冲控制策略. 数学物理学报.(2019)No.3, 689-704.
Y. Pei,M. Chen,X. Liang,C. Li, M. Zhu,Optimizing pulse timings and amounts of biological interventions for a pest regulation model. Nonlinear Anal. Hybrid Syst., 27 (2018) 353-365.
Y.Pei,M. Chen,X. Liang,C.Li,Model-based on fishery management systems with selective harvest policies. Math.Comput. Simulation, 156 (2019) 377-395.
Y. Pei,M. Chen,X. Liang,M. Zhu,Y. Lv,C. Li,Optimal control problem in an epidemic disease SIS model with stages and delays. Int. J. Biomath., 9 (2016) 1650072, 22 pp
M.You, Y.Tian, M. Chen, Y. Yue,Multiple solutions for the nonlinear algebraic system with the indefinite coefficient matrix. Appl. Math. Lett., 107 (2020), 106353, 6 pp
Y. Song,Y. Pei, M. Chen, M. Zhu,Translation, solving scheme,and implementation of a periodic and optimal impulsive state control problem. Adv. Difference Equ., (2018)No. 93, 20 pp.