
大学物理教研室 (1号教学楼A423)
  • zxyuqd@hotmail.com


于智先,男,山东青岛人,博士。2019年7月毕业于美国新墨西哥大学(University of New Mexico, USA),获物理学博士学位,师从Sudhakar Prasad教授(美国光学学会会士,师从诺贝尔物理学奖得主、“量子光学之父”Roy Glauber),2020年12月进入青岛理工大学理学院任教。主要从事光学超分辨成像、图像处理、量子光学和量子信息领域的理论研究。获批山东省自然科学基金面上项目1项。


  • 2020年12月-至今 青岛理工大学理学院


  1. 光学超分辨成像

  2. 图像处理

  3. 量子光学和量子信息



  1. Zhixian Yu and Sudhakar Prasad, “Quantum Limited Superresolution of an Incoherent Source Pair in Three Dimensions,” Physical Review Letters 121, 180504 (2018).

  2. Sudhakar Prasad and Zhixian Yu, “Quantum-limited Superlocalization and Superresolution of a source pair in three dimensions,” Physical Review A 99, 022116 (2019).

  3. Zhixian Yu and Sudhakar Prasad, “High-numerical-aperture microscopy with a rotating point spread function,” Journal of Optical Society of America A 33, B58-B69 (2016).

  4. Sudhakar Prasad and Zhixian Yu, “Three-dimensional polarimetric imaging in a snapshot,” in Proceedings of SPIE 9617, Unconventional Imaging and Wavefront Sensing 2015, 961704 (2015).

  5. Julian Antolin, Zhixian Yu, and Sudhakar Prasad, “Optical estimation of the 3D shape of a solar illuminated, reflecting satellite surface,” in Proceedings of Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance (AMOS) Technologies Conference (2016).

  6. Sudhakar Prasad and Zhixian Yu, “Quantum theory of three-dimensional superresolution using rotating-PSF imagery,” in Proceedings of Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance (AMOS) Technologies Conference (2017).