2002年07月-2005年09月 青岛理工大学 助教
2005年10月-2021年03月 青岛理工大学 讲师
2021年04月-至今 青岛理工大学 副教授
Yu Xiayang, Chong Lin, Bing Chen. Nonlinear H∞ observer design for one-sided Lipschitz discrete-time singular systems with time-varying delay, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2019, (29) : 252-267.
Yu Xiayang, Chong Lin, Bing Chen, Qing-Guo Wang. Reduced-order observer design for a class of generalized Lipschitz nonlinear systems with time-varying delay, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2018, (337) : 267-280.
Yu Xiayang, Chong Lin, Bing Chen, Qing-Guo Wang. Functional observer design for time-delayed systems with application to fault diagnosis, IEEE Access, 2019, (7) : 14558-14568.