
专业物理教研室 (一号教学楼A421)
  • xukun@smail.nju.edu.cn




  • 2020年9月-2023年9月,中国科学院大学,博士后

  • 2023年9月至今,青岛理工大学,副教授


  1. 双星演化模拟,中子星吸积理论和自转演化模拟,磁陀星的模拟和搜寻

  2. 司天工程数据处理及宇宙瞬变源观测研究


  • 2019.07-2020.06 吸积中子星的自转演化 南京大学优秀博士研究生创新能力提升计划A项目(201901A007)

  • 2022.01-2023.09 大质量X射线中中子星的吸积和自转演化研究 博士后面上基金项目(2021M703168)

  • 2023.01-2015.12 磁陀星的吸积和自转演化研究 国家自然科学基金青年项目(12203051)





  1. Xu, Kun*, Yang, Hao-Ran, Mao, Ying-Han, Xu, Xiao-Tian*, Li, Xiang-Dong, and Liu, Jifeng, Back to the Starting Point: On the Simulation of the Initial Magnetic Fields and Spin Periods of Nonaccreting Pulsars, 2023, ApJ, 947, 76.

  2. Xu, Kun*, Li, Xiang-Dong, Cui, Zhe, Li, Qiao-Chu, Shao, Yong, Liang, Xilong, and Liu, Jifeng, Are There Magnetars in High-mass X-Ray Binaries?, 2022, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22, 015005.

  3. Xu, Kun*, Li, Qiao-Chu, Yang, Yuan-Pei, Li, Xiang-Dong, Dai, Zi-Gao, and Liu, Jifeng, Do the Periodic Activities of Repeating Fast Radio Bursts Represent the Spins of Neutron Stars?, 2021, ApJ, 917, 2.

  4. Xu, Kun and Li, Xiang-Dong, On the Fallback Disk around the Slowest Isolated Pulsar, 1E 161348-5055, 2019, ApJ, 877, 138.

  5. Xu, Kun and Li, Xiang-Dong, On the Magnetic Field of the Ultraluminous X-Ray Pulsar M82 X-2, 2017, ApJ, 838, 98.

  6. Li, Qiao-Chu, Yang, Yuan-Pei, Wang, F. Y., Xu, Kun, and Dai, Zi-Gao, Repeating fast radio bursts with high burst rates by plate collisions in neutron star crusts, 2022, MNRAS, 517, 4612.

  7. Liang, Xilong, Liu, Jifeng, Zhao, Jingkun, and Xu, Kun, Satellite Galaxies' Drag on Field Stars in the Milky Way, 2022, AJ, 164, 48.

  8. Li, Qiao-Chu, Yang, Yuan-Pei, Wang, F. Y., Xu, Kun, Shao, Yong, Liu, Ze-Nan, and Dai, Zi-Gao, Periodic Activities of Repeating Fast Radio Bursts from Be/X-Ray Binary Systems, 2021, ApJL, 918, L5.