辛培培,男,1990年8月出生于山东济宁,中共党员,博士。2019年6月毕业于中国科学院大学(武汉物理与数学研究所),同年7月进入青岛理工大学理学院任教。主要从事超快强激光场与原子分子相互作用的理论研究,包括超短强激光场中原子分子动力学及其控制;外场激发态原子光谱及动力学;原子、分子和离子结构及反应机制探测;原子分子光电离;少周期脉冲亚飞秒时间分辨的原子、分子及内部电子的动力学演化。已在物理学主流期刊如Phys. Rev. A, J. Phys. B上发表论文10余篇。
[1] PeiPei Xin, Hong Cheng, ShanShan Zhang, HanMu Wang, ZiShan Xu, and HongPing Liu, Creating high-purity angular-momentum-state Rydberg atoms by a pair of unipolar laser pulses [J]. Physical Review A, 2018 (97): 043425.
[2] PeiPei Xin, Hong Cheng, ShanShan Zhang, HanMu Wang, and HongPing Liu, Wavepacket dynamics of a Rydberg atom monitored by a pair of time-delayed laser pulses [J]. Journal of Physics B, 2018 (51): 045601.
[3] PeiPei Xin, MingHu Yuan, HanMu Wang, HaiFeng Yang, and HongPing Liu, Above-threshold ionization through Rydberg state population [J]. Physics Letters A, 2017 (381): 1405.
[4] MingHu Yuan, PeiPei Xin, TianShu Chu, and HongPing Liu, Exploring tunneling time by instantaneous ionization rate in strong-field ionization [J]. Optics Express, 2017 (25): 23493.
[5] MingHu Yuan, PeiPei Xin, TianShu Chu, and HongPing Liu, Investigating tunneling process of atom exposed in circularly polarized stronglaser field [J]. Journal of Physics B, 2017 (50): 055006.
[6] Hong Cheng, HanMu Wang, ShanShan Zhang, PeiPei Xin, Jun Luo, and HongPing Liu, High resolution electromagnetically induced transparency spectroscopy of Rydberg 87Rb atom in a magnetic field [J]. Optics Express, 2017 (25): 33575.
[7] Hong Cheng, HanMu Wang, ShanShan Zhang, PeiPei Xin, Jun Luo, and HongPing Liu, Electromagnetically induced transparency of 87Rb in a buffer gas cell with magnetic field [J]. Journal of Physics B, 2017 (50): 095401.
[8] ShanShan Zhang, Hong Cheng, PeiPei Xin, HanMu Wang, ZiShan Xu, and HongPing Liu, A sensitive detection of high Rydberg atom with large dipole moment [J]. Chinese Physics B, 2018 (27): 074207.
[9] Hong Cheng, HanMu Wang, ShanShan Zhang, PeiPei Xin, Jun Luo, and HongPing Liu, High quality electromagnetically induced transparency spectroscopy of 87Rb in a buffer gas cell with a magnetic field [J]. Chinese Physics B, 2017 (26): 074204.
[10] Hong Cheng, ShanShan Zhang, PeiPei Xin, Yuan Cheng, and HongPing Liu, Theoretical simulation of 87Rb absorption spectrum in a thermal cell [J]. Chinese Physics B, 2016 (25): 114203.
[11] HanMu Wang, Hong Cheng, ShanShan Zhang, PeiPei Xin, ZiShan Xu, and HongPing Liu, Laser frequency offset-locking using electromagnetically induced transparency spectroscopy of 85Rb in magnetic field [J]. Chinese Physics B, 2018 (27): 094205.
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